Saturday, 15 March 2025
150 years ago:Dr Anstie’s death and his last teaching in sanitary work. Practitioner November/December 2022;266(1863):32-33

150 years ago: Dr Anstie’s death and his last teaching in sanitary work

20 Dec 2022Registered users

Dr Anstie, during the examination of a septic corpse from the Royal Victoria Patriotic Asylum for Girls, received the puncture which killed him at the age of 41 years. The day after the puncture the writer of this article had a long conversation with him on the state of things which Dr Anstie had observed at this asylum. He made no reference to the wound he had received, and which must then have been beginning to work out its fatal consequences; and the writer left him impressed with the enthusiasm with which he had entered upon a difficult task. His death, a related consequence of the neglect against which he protested, gives a melancholy interest to this his last teaching in sanitary work.

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